rocking chair是什么意思 rocking chair的读音、翻译、用法

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'rocking chair'是英语中常用的一个词语,中文翻译为“摇椅”。摇椅通常是一种坐具,有两个弧形木条和一张坐垫组成,可以用来前后摆动。

以下是九个含有'rocking chair'的例句:

1. She sat in her rocking chair, sipping her tea and watching the sunset. (她坐在摇椅上,抿着茶,看着日落。)

2. The old man loves to read in his rocking chair every afternoon. (老人每天下午都喜欢坐在摇椅上看书。)

3. He rocked his newborn baby to sleep in the rocking chair. (他在摇椅上摇着婴儿入睡。)

4. The porch was furnished with a couple of rocking chairs that faced the garden. (门廊上放着两把朝向花园的摇椅。)

5. Grandma always knits in her rocking chair while listening to the radio. (奶奶总是一边听收音机,一边坐在摇椅上织毛衣。)

6. The cat curled up in the rocking chair and fell asleep. (猫蜷缩在摇椅上睡着了。)

7. The children loved to race each other in the rocking chairs. (孩子们喜欢在摇椅上比赛。)

8. The rocking chair creaked as the old man moved back and forth. (老人前后摇动时,摇椅吱吱作响。)

9. She rocked back and forth in her rocking chair, lost in thought. (她在摇椅上前后摇动,陷入了沉思。)


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