export是什么意思 export的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The company's main focus is on exporting goods to Asian markets.(该公司的主要重点是将货物出口到亚洲市场。)

2. The country's export industry has experienced significant growth in the past decade.(该国的出口行业在过去的xx年中取得了显著的增长。)

3. The government is implementing policies to encourage more companies to export.(正在实施鼓励更多公司出口的政策。)

4. The company has a dedicated team that handles all aspects of exporting.(该公司有一个专门的团队处理出口的各个方面。)

5. The country's export regulations are subject to change at any time.(该国的出口规定随时可能发生变化。)

6. The company has successfully entered the European export market.(该公司已成功进入欧洲出口市场。)

7. The export of luxury goods has been on the rise in recent years.(奢侈品出口在近年来有增长趋势。)

8. The government has imposed export tariffs on certain products in order to protect local industries.(对某些产品征收出口关税以保护本地产业。)

9. The company is known for its high-quality export products.(该公司以其高质量的出口产品而闻名。)


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