embioptera是什么意思 embioptera的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Embioptera is a small insect that is commonly found in soil and leaf litter.(织蛛虫目是一种常见于土壤和落叶中的小型昆虫。)

2. The Embioptera, also known as web-spinners, are insects that are well adapted to life in dark, humid environments.(织蛛虫目,又称织网虫,是一种适应于黑暗潮湿环境的昆虫。)

3. Embioptera show a great diversity of morphological and behavioral adaptations.(织蛛虫目表现出丰富的形态和行为适应性。)

4. The life cycle of Embioptera is characterized by development through a series of instars, or developmental stages.(织蛛虫目的生命周期经历了一系列的蜕皮期或发育阶段。)

5. Embioptera have been known to cause damage to crops and ornamental plants.(织蛛虫目已被发现会对农作物和观赏植物造成损害。)

6. The silk produced by Embioptera is strong and tough, and has been used by humans in the production of textiles.(织蛛虫目产生的丝线坚韧耐用,被人类用于纺织品生产。)

7. Embioptera use silk to spin tunnels and protect themselves from predators.(织蛛虫目利用丝线织成隧道保护自己免受天敌侵袭。)

8. The DNA sequencing of Embioptera provides important insights into the evolution and diversification of insects.(对织蛛虫目进行DNA测序为揭示昆虫的进化和多样性提供了重要的见解。)

9. The Embioptera exhibit a range of colors, including brown, black, and green, which allow them to blend in with their surroundings.(织蛛虫目表现出一系列颜色,包括褐色、黑色和绿色,使它们能够与周围环境融为一体。)


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