Oxyura是什么意思 Oxyura的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Oxyura是一种小型的水鸟,喜欢在淡水湖泊或河流中生活。-中文翻译:Oxyura is a small water bird that likes to live in freshwater lakes or rivers.

2. 这个'Oxyura'在科学名中叫做'jamaicensis'。-中文翻译:This 'Oxyura' is called 'jamaicensis' in its scientific name.

3. 该'Oxyura'属于鸭科,是一种水鸟。-中文翻译:This 'Oxyura' belongs to the duck family and is a water bird.

4. 鸟类学家正在对'Oxyura'进行研究,以了解它们的行为和习性。-中文翻译:Ornitlogists are studying 'Oxyura' to understand their behavior and habits.

5. 'Oxyura'是一种非常敏感的鸟类,它们的栖息地受到人类活动的影响。-中文翻译:'Oxyura' is a very sensitive bird, and their habitat is affected by human activities.

6. 这种'Oxyura'是一种稀有的鸟类,只在特定的地区才能发现。-中文翻译:This 'Oxyura' is a rare bird that can only be found in specific regions.

7. 'Oxyura'是一种喜欢吃水生植物的鸟类,它们的嘴巴特别适合这种食物。-中文翻译:'Oxyura' is a bird that likes to eat aquatic plants, and their bills are specially adapted for this food.

8. 这些'Oxyura'通常在夜间喜欢活动,白天则躲在水下或者密集植被中。-中文翻译:These 'Oxyura' usually prefer to be active at night and hide underwater or in dense vegetation during the day.

9. 这种'Oxyura'经常在水面上游来游去,很容易被人们注意到。-中文翻译:This 'Oxyura' often swims on the water's suce and is easily noticed by people.


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