propanil是什么意思 propanil的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The farmers in this region use propanil to control s and pests. 这个地区的农民使用propanil来控制杂草和害虫。

2. The use of propanil in rice fields has been banned in several countries due to its harmful effects on the environment. 由于对环境的有害影响,多个国家已禁止在稻田中使用propanil。

3. The recommended dosage of propanil is 3 to 5 liters per hectare. 推荐的propanil用量为每公顷3到5升。

4. Propanil can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems, so it is important to wear protective clothing when handling it. propanil可能导致皮肤刺激和呼吸问题,因此在处理它时戴上防护服很重要。

5. The effectiveness of propanil in controlling s depends on factors such as timing and weather conditions. propanil在控制杂草方面的有效性取决于时间和天气条件等因素。

6. Propanil is often mixed with other chemicals to create a more potent pesticide. propanil经常与其他化学物质混合以制成更有效的杀虫剂。

7. The use of propanil has decreased in recent years as farmers adopt more sustainable and eco-friendly farming methods. 随着农民采用更可持续和环保的耕种方法,propanil的使用量近年来有所下降。

8. The long-term effects of propanil on soil health and biodiversity are still being researched. 对propanil对土壤健康和生物多样性的长期影响仍在研究中。

9. Propanil is classified as a hazardous chemical and should be handled with care to avoid accidents. propanil被归类为危险化学品,应小心处理以避免事故发生。


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