alter ego是什么意思 alter ego的读音、翻译、用法

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'alter ego'是拉丁语,意为“另一个自我”。

这个词语常用来形容一个人的另一面,或者说是另一个身份。例如,一个作家可能会有一个笔名作为他的alter ego,他用这个名字写作不同类型的书籍。在某些情况下,'alter ego'也可以形容一个人的密友或者可以充当代表的人。

以下是9个含有'alter ego'的例句:

1. My alter ego helped me through a difficult time. (我的alter ego帮我度过了一个困难时期。)

2. The superhero's alter ego was a mild-mannered reporter. (这位超级英雄的alter ego是一个温和的记者。)

3. She created an alter ego to express her more daring and adventurous side. (她创造了一个alter ego来表达她更大胆、更冒险的一面。)

4. The author's alter ego is a detective in his latest novel. (这位作家的alter ego是他最新小说中的一名侦探。)

5. He and his alter ego have completely different personalities. (他和他的alter ego的个性完全不同。)

6. Sometimes it feels like my alter ego is a completely different person. (有时候感觉我的alter ego就像是一个完全不同的人。)

7. She uses her alter ego to express her more vulnerable side. (她用她的alter ego来表达她更脆弱的一面。)

8. The rock star's alter ego is known for his outrageous behavior on stage. (这位摇滚明星的alter ego以在舞台上的疯狂行为而闻名。)

9. In the movie, the main character's alter ego helps him solve the mystery. (在电影中,主角的alter ego帮助他解决了谜题。)


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