hakka是什么意思 hakka的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 我们家是客家人,所以我们的饮食文化和普通人有所不同。(We are Hakka people, so our culinary culture is different from that of ordinary people.)

2. 他们在外地开了一家客家餐厅,生意非常红火。(They opened a Hakka restaurant in another city, and the business is booming.)

3. 客家话是我们这里的方言,很多人都会说。(Hakka dialect is a local dialect here, and many people can speak it.)

4. 客家人的习俗很多,比如说过年要煮芋头饭。(Hakka people have many customs, such as cooking taro rice during the Chinese New Year.)

5. 他们拍摄了一部记录客家文化的纪录片。(They made a documentary about Hakka culture.)

6. 这个民俗节日是客家人传承了很多年的。(This folk festival has been passed down by Hakka people for many years.)

7. 在客家人的传统婚礼上,有很多讲究。(There are many customs in traditional Hakka weddings.)

8. 他们在客家酒庄品尝了不少客家酒。(They tasted a lot of Hakka wine at the Hakka winery.)

9. 客家人的音乐和舞蹈充满了浓郁的地方特色。(Hakka music and dance are full of local characteristics.)


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