Niu是什么意思 Niu的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 一只黑白相间的'niu'在草原上吃草。(A black and white 'niu' is eating grass on the grassland.)

2. 我的家乡是一个以牧业为主的地区,有很多'niu'。(My hometown is an area mainly engaged in animal husbandry, and there are many 'niu'.)

3. 每年春节,我们都会吃一顿大餐,其中必不可少的是一块烤'niu'肉。(Every year during the Spring Festival, we will have a big feast, and a piece of roasted 'niu' meat is essential.)

4. 我们去农村放牛,看到了一群可爱的'niu'。(We went to the countryside to herd cattle and saw a group of cute 'niu'.)

5. 这个生产基地有上千头'niu',每天还会新添一些。(This production base has thousands of 'niu', and new ones are added every day.)

6. 在中国的传统文化中,牛是一个重要的图腾,代表着实力和财富。(In traditional Chinese culture, the cow is an important totem, representing strength and wealth.)

7. 'niu'的牛奶富含营养,非常有益健康。(Milk from 'niu' is rich in nutrients and very beneficial to health.)

8. 我们正在研究一种新的'niu'品种,可以适应更恶劣的气候和环境。(We are researching a new breed of 'niu' that can adapt to more severe climates and environments.)

9. 在中国农村,'niu'常常被用作耕田和运输工具。(In rural China, 'niu' are often used as agricultural and transportation tools.)


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