Power trio是什么意思 Power trio的读音、翻译、用法

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'Power trio'是英语词语,中文翻译为“三人组合”。这个词语常用于音乐领域,形容由三名乐手组成的乐队,其中通常包括吉他手、贝斯手和鼓手。这种组合可以创造出强有力、紧凑的音乐风格,因而受到乐迷的欢迎。

以下是9个含有'power trio'的例句:

1. Cream was one of the most famous power trios in rock history. (Cream是摇滚历史上最著名的三人组合之一。)

2. Rush is another famous power trio, known for their complex musical arrangements. (Rush是另一个著名的三人组合,以他们复杂的音乐编排而著名。)

3. The Jimi Hendrix Experience was a pioneering power trio that revolutionized rock music. (Jimi Hendrix Experience是一支开创性的三人组合,他们性地改变了摇滚音乐。)

4. ZZ Top is a power trio from Texas that's been rocking audiences for over five decades. (ZZ Top是来自德克萨斯州的一支三人组合,在过去xx年里一直在为观众演奏摇滚乐。)

5. Muse is a modern power trio that combines elements of rock, electronic, and classical music. (Muse是一支现代的三人组合,将摇滚、电子和古典音乐元素相融合。)

6. The Police were a successful power trio in the 1980s, blending reggae and punk influences. (Police在xx年代是一支成功的三人组合,融合了雷鬼和朋克音乐的影响。)

7. Motörhead was a legendary power trio led by the late Lemmy Kilmister. (Motörhead是一支由已故的Lemmy Kilmister领导的传奇三人组合。)

8. Nirvana was a grunge power trio that defined a generation with their raw, energetic sound. (Nirvana是一支用原始、充满能量的声音定义了一个时代的灰泥三人组合。)

9. Green Day is a punk rock power trio that's sold millions of als worldwide. (Green Day是一支朋克摇滚三人组合,在全球销售了数百万张专辑。)


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