Ben Affleck是什么意思 Ben Affleck的读音、翻译、用法

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'Ben Affleck'这个词语来源于英语,是好莱坞著名演员、导演和编剧的名字。常见翻译为本·阿弗莱克,用法为指代他的名字或提及他的作品。


1. Ben Affleck's new movie was a box office hit. (本·阿弗莱克的新电影在票房上大获成功。)

2. Jennifer Garner divorced from Ben Affleck in 2018. (詹妮弗·加纳于xx年与本·阿弗莱克离婚。)

3. Have you seen the movie directed by Ben Affleck? (你看过本·阿弗莱克导演的电影吗?)

4. Ben Affleck is a talented actor as well as a great director. (本·阿弗莱克是一位才华横溢的演员和出色的导演。)

5. I think Ben Affleck's best performance was in Good Will Hunting. (我认为本·阿弗莱克最出色的表演是在《心灵捕手》中。)

6. The media loves to gossip about Ben Affleck's love life. (媒体喜欢八卦本·阿弗莱克的感情生活。)

7. Ben Affleck won an Oscar for Best Picture in 2013 for his movie Argo. (本·阿弗莱克凭借自己的电影《逃离德黑兰》于xx年获得了最佳影片奥斯卡奖。)

8. I heard that Ben Affleck got a huge tattoo on his back. (我听说本·阿弗莱克在背上纹了一个巨大的纹身。)

9. Ben Affleck's charitable work has made a positive impact on many people's lives. (本·阿弗莱克的慈善工作对许多人的生活产生了积极的影响。)


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