Leuconostoc mesenteroides是什么意思 Leuconostoc mesenteroides的读音、翻译、用

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'Leuconostoc mesenteroides'这个词语来源于拉丁语。


以下是9个含有'Leuconostoc mesenteroides'这个词语的例句:

1. Leuconostoc mesenteroides是一种在自然环境中广泛分布的乳酸菌。

(Leuconostoc mesenteroides is a lactic acid bacterium that is widely distributed in the natural environment.)

2. 这些食品制品中含有Leuconostoc mesenteroides,这使得它们成为了发酵味道丰富的食品。

(These food products contain Leuconostoc mesenteroides, which makes them fermentation-rich foods.)

3. 该细菌Leuconostoc mesenteroides能够通过发酵产生酸味,因此在面包、奶酪等食品加工中得到广泛使用。

(The bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides can produce acidity through fermentation, so it is widely used in food processing such as bread and cheese.)

4. Leuconostoc mesenteroides在酸奶的制作过程中发挥了重要作用。

(Leuconostoc mesenteroides plays an important role in the production of yogurt.)

5. 肠道中存在的Leuconostoc mesenteroides可以帮助消化,促进肠道健康。

(Leuconostoc mesenteroides present in the gut can aid digestion and promote intestinal health.)

6. Leuconostoc mesenteroides是一种常见的发酵食品中的菌种。

(Leuconostoc mesenteroides is a common strain found in fermented foods.)

7. 这种细菌Leuconostoc mesenteroides可以促进食材的陈化,增加食品的营养价值。

(The bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides can promote the maturation of ingredients and increase the nutritional value of foods.)

8. Leuconostoc mesenteroides被发现可以在模拟的胃肠道环境中生存,具有良好的生存能力。

(Leuconostoc mesenteroides was found to survive well in simulated gastrointestinal environments.)

9. 利用Leuconostoc mesenteroides菌群的作用,我们可以制作出口感和味道均佳的酸奶。

(By using the effects of Leuconostoc mesenteroides, we can produce yogurt with good texture and taste.)


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