chimney是什么意思 chimney的读音、翻译、用法

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'Chimney'是英语单词,中文翻译为"烟囱"。烟囱一般指建筑物中的烟道,用于排出烟雾和废气。常见的用法包括:chimney stack(烟囱筒)、chimney sweep(扫烟囱的人)、chimney pot(烟囱罩)等。


1. The smoke from the chimney filled the air.(烟囱里冒出的烟充满了空气。)

2. He climbed up onto the roof to check the chimney.(他爬上屋顶检查烟囱。)

3. The chimney on this century-old house needs repair.(这座百年老屋的烟囱需要修缮。)

4. The house had a beautiful brick chimney that stood tall.(这栋房子有一座美丽的高烟囱。)

5. The chimney sweep came to clean out the soot.(扫烟囱的人来清理烟灰。)

6. The fire was blazing in the fireplace, and smoke was rising up the chimney.(壁炉里的火熊熊燃烧着,烟从烟囱里冒出。)

7. A bird had built its nest in the chimney.(一只鸟在烟囱里筑巢。)

8. The chimney was blocked with debris.(烟囱被杂物堵塞了。)

9. The chimney sweep used a long brush to clean out the soot.(扫烟囱的人使用长刷子清理烟灰。)


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