stigmatisation是什么意思 stigmatisation的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The stigmatisation of mental illness has led to a lack of resources for those who suffer from it. (对精神疾病的名化导致了对患者的资源缺乏。)

2. The stigmatisation of obesity has led to a lot of discrimination in the workplace. (对肥胖的烙印导致了职场上的很多歧视。)

3. The stigmatisation of drug addiction makes it difficult for people to seek help. (对药物成瘾的名化使得人们很难寻求帮助。)

4. The stigmatisation of uality has led to many people living in fear of being themselves. (对同性恋的烙印导致了很多人生活在害怕被自己认知的状态。)

5. The stigmatisation of poverty has led to many people feeling ashamed of their cirtances. (对贫困的名化导致了很多人对自己的处境感到。)

6. The stigmatisation of certain cultural practices can lead to a lack of understanding between different communities. (对某些文化实践的名化可能导致不同社群之间的缺乏理解。)

7. The stigmatisation of mental health issues in the military can prevent soldiers from seeking help when they need it. (对中的心理健康问题的名化可能阻止了士兵在需要时寻求帮助。)

8. The stigmatisation of certain religious practices has led to discrimination against certain communities. (对某些实践的名化导致了对某些社群的歧视。)

9. The stigmatisation of mental health issues in the workplace can make it difficult for employees to get the support they need. (对工作场所中的心理健康问题的名化可能使得员工很难得到他们所需要的支持。)


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