bagel是什么意思 bagel的读音、翻译、用法

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'bagel' 是英语单词,中文翻译为“百吉饼”,是一种圆形的面包,上面撒满了芝麻,口感有点儿嚼劲,常常与奶酪、鲜肉、蔬菜等食材一起食用。


1. I like to have a bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon for breakfast.(我喜欢早餐吃奶油芝士和烟熏三文鱼的百吉饼。)

2. Would you like a toasted bagel with your coffee, sir?(先生,您想要吃烤百吉饼吗?)

3. I usually buy a bagel on my way to work.(我通常在上班路上买百吉饼。)

4. Bagel and lox is a classic Jewish dish.(百吉饼和三文鱼是犹太经典菜肴。)

5. The bagels in New York are the best in the world.(纽约的百吉饼是世界上最好的。)

6. My favorite bagel is an everything bagel with avocado and tomato.(我的最爱是全麦百吉饼配鳄梨和番茄。)

7. I prefer my bagel toasted with a little bit of er.(我喜欢把百吉饼烤一下,加一点儿黄油。)

8. Bagels can be frozen and reheated for later use.(百吉饼可以冷冻,之后再加热食用。)

9. Do you have any gluten-free bagels?(你们有无麸质百吉饼吗?)


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