my friend英语作文120_中考满分英语作文2篇

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关于”my friend120“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:my friend120。以下是关于my friend120的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:my friend120

My name is Wu Jie. I'm a student of Dongzhou middle school. I like playing basketball and singing.

Zhang Jiong is my good friend. He wears a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He is very handsome.

He likes playing football and singing. He is a good student. He usually helps me with my math.

We usually play football and swimming at school. We often visit each other and play computer games together. We are very happy Can be with each other, help each other.



万能作文模板2:我的朋友 120

My Friend

I have a good friend named Amy. We met in middle school and we have been close ever since. Amy is very kind-hearted and always willing to help others.

In her free time Amy enjoys playing sports and listening to music. She is very athletic and plays basketball and soccer on a regular basis. She also loves listening to all types of music from pop to classical.

What I admire most about Amy is her dedication to her studies. She always studies hard and strives to do her best. Her determination and hard work have paid off as she is an honor student and has received many academic awards.

Overall Amy is an amazing friend and I am lucky to have her in my life. I appreciate her kindness athleticism and dedication to her studies. I look forward to our continued friendship in the future.






满分英语范文3:my friend120

With the coming of the holiday, I was invited to my friend's wedding. I was very excited. This is the first time I have seen a wedding.

I am deeply impressed by the scene that marriage is sacred. When the couple get together, it means too much. I also broaden my horizons.

At this great wedding, when it is close to 5 p.m., I will When I got to this place, I was very excited to witness her happiness. My friend and her husband came to welcome me. I gave them a big hug.

Then I gave them money at the beginning of the wedding. Then I found a table and sat down. My friend and her husband promised each other Vow, then kiss, I am very moved, my tears flow out of my eyes, I am happy for them, and wish them all happiness.

Joining my friend's wedding changed me. Before I was a little afraid of marriage, because I was afraid of responsibility, but now I am not afraid, I feel happy, I hope I can find that soon.



标签: 中考 满分

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