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关于”家长的变化“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Changes in parents。以下是关于家长的变化的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in parents

Great changes have taken place in China. Many new buildings have been built in cities, towns and villages. With more cars, the roads become more crowded and the roads become wider and wider.

Many overp have been built in big cities. The life of Chinese people is much better than ever before. We have TV sets, washing machines, refrigerators.

Even if it is computers and cars, we will Work harder to make our country stronger and more beautiful.




In recent years I have noticed some changes in my parents. 那些年我注意到我父母有一些变化

Firstly my father has become more patient and understanding. He used to be strict and quick-tempered but now he takes more time to listen to others and thinks carefully before he speaks. This has made him more approachable and easier to talk to. 首先我的父亲变得更加有耐心和理解力他以前很严格脾气很暴躁但现在他花更多的时间倾听别人并在发言之前仔细思考这使他更易亲近更容易交流

Secondly my mother has become more adventurous and open-minded. She used to be hesitant to try new things and stick to her routine but now she is willing to explore different cultures cuisines and hobbies. She has also become more accepting of different ideas and perspectives which has made our family conversations more interesting and diverse. 其次我的母亲变得更加冒险和开放她以前对尝试新事物很犹豫总是固守自己的惯例但现在她愿意探索不同的文化、美食和爱好她也变得更加接受不同的想法和观点这使我们家庭的谈话更加有趣和多样化

Overall I am happy to see my parents evolving and growing as individuals. I think their changes have not only benefited themselves but also enriched our family dynamics. 总的来说我很高兴看到我的父母作为个人在不断进化和成长我认为他们的变化不仅使他们从中受益还丰富了我们家庭的动态


I am a middle school student, I am very happy to tell you that our school has changed a lot in the past year. Our school is much bigger than before. We have built buildings, planted trees, and we have a big garden.

Now we can sit there and relax. The playground is much bigger and more beautiful than the headmaster told us. We should be polite to the teacher.

We do what he says. I always help the teacher to take things. Now that we are in grade, we have to study harder than before.

The students continue to do their homework in their spare time. I think it's good, but exercise is also important, because now our school is more beautiful, we are more polite to teachers, we like this. I think our school has changed in many aspects.




标签: 高一 万能

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