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关于”不做旁观者“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Not a spectator.。以下是关于不做旁观者的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Not a spectator.

Second, doing some housework can make you healthy and strong. Doing some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise. Doing some housework can share the work of your parents.

If you say they will be happy to have a rest, I will do housework, so I think doing some housework is good for students.




There are not enough seats in our school's reading room for all the students. Many people go there early every day to "grab" a seat. So a "special" thing happened that day.

I learned a lesson that I will never forget. It happened on a Wednesday morning in January last year. Just before the final exam, I went to the reading room very early and prepared to take a seat.

I put a book on the table and went to have breakfast. But when I hurried back to the reading room, I found someone sitting in the seat I had occupied in advance. I ran up to him and angrily called to him, "go ahead, my seat." Everyone looked up, and my eyes and eyes were unfriendly at me, my face turned red, and I was ashamed of myself.

I took my book and ran away in front of so many eyes that I didn't dare to go to the reading room for several days. Since then, I learned a lesson in the reading room: be polite to everyone.






As bystanders we often witness events that require our intervention but we choose not to act. However being a bystander is not an excuse for inaction. We must take responsibility for our actions and make a positive difference in the world.


When we see someone being bullied or harassed we can speak up and support the victim. We can also report the incident to a teacher counselor or other authority figure who can intervene and stop the behavior.


In addition we can take action to help those in need by volunteering our time and resources to charities and organizations that support social causes. We can also make a difference by being kind to others and treating everyone with respect and dignity.


In short it is important to not just be a bystander but to actively partite in the world a better place. By taking small steps we can make a big difference in the world.


标签: 真题 专八

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