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关于”二大“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Two big predictions。以下是关于二大的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Two big predictions

Possible topics for the 2021 English II Essay

1. Big data and privacy protection

With the widespread use of big data our personal information is becoming more vulnerable. How can we balance the benefits and risks of big data and protect our privacy at the same time

随着大数据的广泛应用我们的个人信息变得更加容易受到威胁如何平衡大数据的利益和风险并同时保护我们的隐私2. The impact of artificial intelligence on employment

As artificial intelligence technologies continue to develop some believe that they will replace human labor resulting in mass unemployment. What measures can we take to mitigate the negative impact of artificial intelligence on employment

随着人工智能技术的不断发展一些人认为它们将取代人力劳动导致大规模失业我们可以采取哪些措施来缓解人工智能对就业的负面影响3. The pros and cons of online education

Online education has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and accessibility. However some argue that it lacks the interpersonal interaction and practical experiences of traditional claoom education. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online education and how can we optimize it

由于其便利性和可访问性在线教育越来越受欢迎然而也有人认为它缺乏传统课堂教育的人际互动和实践经验在线教育的优缺点是什么如何优化4. The importance of mental health

Although people are becoming more aware of the importance of mental health there is still a stigma attached to mental illness. How can we promote mental health awareness and break down the stigma of mental illness in society

尽管人们对心理健康的重要性越来越清楚但与精神疾病仍然存在一定的名我们如何促进心理健康意识并打破社会上对精神疾病的名5. Global cooperation in response to climate change

Climate change is a global challenge that requires cooperation among all countries. How can countries work together to mitigate the effects of climate change and what role can individual citizens play in this effort

气候变化是一个需要所有国家共同合作应对的全球挑战国家如何合作以减轻气候变化的影响个体公民在此努力中能扮演什么角色6. The impact of social media on society

Social media has transformed the way we communicate and connect with others. However it has also been criticized for fueling division and spreading misinformation. What is the impact of social media on society and how can we use it in a responsible and constructive way

社交媒体改变了我们与他人沟通和联系的方式然而它也因煽动和传播错误信息而受到批评社交媒体对社会的影响是什么我们如何负责任和建设性地使用它7. The ethics of genetic engineering

Advances in genetic engineering have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and agriculture. However they also raise ethical concerns about manipulating the natural genetic makeup of humans and animals. What are the ethical implications of genetic engineering and how can we ensure responsible and ethical use of this technology



1. A Letter to My Future Self


With the approaching of graduation and the beginning of a new chapter in my life I cannot help but think about the future. As I contemplate the path ahead I realize that there are many unknowns and uncertainties. However I am excited about the possibilities and opportunities that await me.

In this letter to my future self I want to remind myself of the dreams and goals that I have set for myself. I want to encourage myself to stay focused on these aspirations and to never give up no matter how challenging the road may become.

I also want to remind myself to cherish the present moment and to embrace all the joys and struggles that come my way. Life is a journey and every step we take helps to shape who we are and who we will become.

In closing I want to tell my future self to keep believing in myself and to continue striving towards my dreams. May I never lose sight of who I am and what I hope to achieve.





2. The Importance of Cultural Exchange


In today’s globalized world cultural exchange has become more important than ever before. As we become more interconnected it is essential that we learn about other cultures and understand the perspectives and values of people from different backgrounds.

Cultural exchange can take many forms from studying abroad to partiting in international festivals and events. By immersing ourselves in different cultures we can broaden our horizons and gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity that exists in our world.

Moreover cultural exchange can help to break down stereotypes and prejudices. When we interact with people from different cultures we come to realize that we share many common values and experiences. This can foster greater empathy and understanding among people from different parts of the world.

In closing I believe that cultural exchange is not only important but essential for building a more peaceful and prosperous world. By embracing cultural diversity and promoting cross-cultural understanding we can work towards creating a world in which all people can thrive and live in harmony.






First of all, in recent years, with the amazing speed of scientific and technological progress and innovation, cutting-edge technology has been applied to domestic mobile phones. China's independent mobile phone brands have made rapid progress, and their cost performance and competitiveness have also been fundamentally improved. It must be pointed out that with the growth of people's disposable income and the sharp drop in the price of domestic cars, household cars have entered as a necessary means of transportation More and more families, from my point of view, the prosperity of the automobile industry has promoted the development of the automobile industry.

The total number of vehicles in cities has increased by a large margin, which has aroused people's concern about environmental pollution and traffic congestion. Therefore, if it is unavoidable, we should take effective measures to alleviate these problems. Directions: in your article, write an article according to the table below.

You should explain the chart, and you should write down what you should write on the answer sheet.) from the bar chart, you can see that the number of private cars in a city has changed significantly from to. In the past three years, the number of private cars has steadily increased from about ten thousand to one million. What causes this phenomenon? First of all, with the economy With the rapid development of residents, the living standard and income of residents have been greatly improved, and a considerable number of people can afford to buy a car.

Secondly, the automobile industry, especially the self owned brand automobile industry in recent years, has experienced a rapid development, which leads to the continuous decline of private car prices, but it is not the least important. Individuals show more faster and more convenient travel modes We should pay more attention to the increasing trend of traffic pressure in the past, or more attention should be paid to the increasing trend of air pollution.



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