
作者: 用户投稿 阅读:32 点赞:0



Today, many children have left school. The most important reason why they leave school is that their family life is not good. They should earn money to support their family.

In addition, some parents think that learning is useless, so they don't want their children to go to school. Some children are not interested in learning. Every child of learning age should go to school to learn knowledge.

Our society should pay more attention to the education of students. Children should be taken seriously by everyone in the future of our country.




Part 1 writing notes Part 2 reading comprehension skimming and scanning minutes Part 3 listening comprehension minutes a B C Part 4 reading comprehension deep reading minutes / Part 5 cloze filling or error correcting minutes Part 6 translation minutes.


第一部分写作记录第二部分阅读理解略读和扫描分钟第三部分听力理解分钟A B C第四部分阅读理解深度阅读分钟/第五部分完形填空或纠错分钟第六部分翻译分钟。


1. My Favorite Hobby - 我最喜爱的爱好

2. A Trip to Remember - 一次难忘的旅行

3. The Importance of Friendship - 友谊的重要性

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media - 社交媒体的优缺点

5. The Benefits of Reading - 阅读的好处

6. A Memorable Childhood Experience - 一个难忘的童年经历

7. The Impact of Technology on Society - 科技对社会的影响

8. The Beauty of Nature - 自然之美

9. My Dream Career - 我的梦想职业

10. Ways to Stay Healthy - 保持健康的方法

标签: 真题 六级

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