英语作文发明物是什么意思 英语作文发明物的读音、翻译、用法

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In my opinion, invention is to create something that no one has done before creation. Improve / change / add new ideas to existing things that need prototypes (trial and error until successful). I think you can write something about the history of invention / creation (such as Thomas Edison or the industrial revolution) and relate it to today's society.

Can you talk about the progress of human civilization? That: take this away, help:) good luck.




Before the invention of the compass, most people who sailed on the sea were guided by the position of the sun and the stars. If it's rainy, people will lose their way in this way. It was the compass invented by the Chinese that solved this problem.

Compass is an instrument used to indicate direction in the early stage. During the Warring States period, the Chinese discovered that the magnet can be used to indicate the north and the south, and based on this, they made a kind of compass. In the Song Dynasty, people created a kind of compass called compass.

The invention of compass has an epoch- influence on navigation, creating a new era in the history of international navigation.





Invention is a process of creating something that has never existed before. It involves creativity innovation and problem-solving skills. Inventions can range from simple everyday items to complex technological advancements that revolutionize the way we live our lives.


There have been countless inventions throughout history that have had a profound impact on humanity. The wheel for example revolutionized transportation and led to the development of other forms of machinery. The printing press allowed for the mass production of books and the dissemination of knowledge to millions of people. And the internet has revolutionized the way that we communicate and access information.


Inventions have the power to change the world and they often do so in unexpected ways. Some inventions solve problems that people never realized they had while others create new problems for society to address. They can come from anywhere from a child's imagination to a scientist's laboratory.


In conclusion the world would not be the same without inventions. They propel society forward and push us to new heights of innovation and creativity. Whether it's a simple tool or a complex machine inventions have the power to change the world for the better.



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