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关于”清明节6句话“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Qingming Festival 6 words。以下是关于清明节6句话的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Qingming Festival 6 words

Tomb Sweeping Day is one of the traditional festivals in China. Generally speaking, when people begin to worship their ancestors, they will bring home-made food, some counterfeit money and paper- mansions to their ancestors. They will light some candles and incense, put some flower tombs around them.

The most important thing is to put homemade food in front of the tomb. Food, also called sacrifice, is usually made with a chicken, a fish and some pigs Meat is a symbol of respect for ancestors. People believe that ancestors will share food with them, and children will give food and money to their ancestors to express their love and care.

Young offspring will kneel down and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of them. In some provinces of China, people commemorate this day with various activities, such as outing, playing swing, planting trees and cooking special dishes.

A special food is wormwood rice ball, which looks like Tangyuan, but its color is green, and the wormwood juice and rice flour are mixed Mix and make small . People believe that eating wormwood rice can eliminate bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities, such as spring outings and tree planting, are another way to commemorate the sages.

This marks the hope that people should look forward to the future and embrace another thing. We really hope that our ancestors will rest in peace.



万能作文模板2:清明节 6 字

1. Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival to commemorate the deceased.


2. During Qingming Festival people usually sweep the tombs of their ancestors and offer sacrifices.


3. Apart from tomb-sweeping people also engage in other activities such as flying kites and enjoying spring scenery.


4. Qingming Festival is also known as Tomb Sweeping Day.


5. Qingming Festival falls on April 4th or 5th each year according to the lunar calendar.



1. Qingming Festival also known as Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional festival in China. (清明节又称扫墓节是中国的传统节日)

2. During Qingming Festival people visit the graves of their ancestors to pay respect and clean up the tomb. (清明节期间人们前往祖先的墓地致以敬意并清理墓地)

3. In addition to tomb sweeping people also fly kites play games and eat special foods during Qingming Festival. (除了扫墓外人们还在清明节期间放风筝、玩游戏和吃特别的食物)

4. Qingming Festival falls on April 4 or 5 every year according to the lunar calendar. (清明节每年农历xx月xx日或xx日)

5. This festival is not only observed in China but also in other Asian countries with Chinese culture such as Vietnam and Malaysia. (这个节日不仅在中国也在越南和马来西亚等其他中国文化的亚洲国家观察)

6. Qingming Festival is a time to remember and cherish our ancestors and it reflects the importance of family and respect for elders in Chinese culture. (清明节是纪念和珍视我们祖先的时间它反映了中国文化中家庭和尊重长辈的重要性)

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