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关于”上册8单元“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Unit 8。以下是关于上册8单元的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Unit 8

题目My favorite animal 我最喜欢的动物

Hello My name is Lily. My favorite animal is a panda. Pandas are black and white. They look like bears but they are not bears. They are really cute Pandas live in China. They are endangered animals which means there are not many of them left in the world. I want to help protect pandas so I always recycle paper and turn off the lights when I leave a room. I hope one day there will be more pandas in the world.


万能作文模板2:Unit 8

My Favorite Season

My favorite season is spring. It's the time when everything comes to life after a long cold winter. The trees start to sprout new leaves the flowers start to bloom and the birds return from their migration.

There are many things I enjoy doing during the spring. I love going for walks and soaking up the warm sun on my skin. I also enjoy going on picnics with my family and friends surrounded by the colorful blossoms of spring.

Spring is also the perfect time for gardening. I love planting new flowers and watching them grow as the days get longer and warmer. It's so satisfying to see the fruits of my labor as my garden comes to life.

Overall spring is a beautiful and refreshing season. It's the time of year that brings with it new beginnings and endless possibilities.







The weather is very good in Sichuan on holiday. There are some pandas in Sichuan. I went to the zoo.

There are two pandas in the zoo. They are black. They are lovely.

They are a little heavy. I'm very happy to find that people are taking pictures of pandas. So I decided to take pictures of them.

I'm happy to take pictures. I have Sichuan specialties. They are delicious when I have dinner.

I'm glad that day is the most happy holiday for me The next holiday, my parents and I went to the beach. There were a lot of people on vacation here. Some were taking pictures.

Others were lying on the beach. We had a good time in the water in the afternoon. We decided to play tennis.

We played all afternoon. We felt very tired but very happy. In the evening, we had delicious food.

We had a very interesting holiday.



标签: 真题 六年级

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