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关于”新学期计划100“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:New semester plan 100。以下是关于新学期计划100的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:New semester plan 100

(the new semester plan) is a new semester, so I must first have a study plan to improve myself. I will finish my homework more seriously than before. Secondly, I should pay attention to the knowledge I don't know.

I will do a lot of reading to expand my knowledge and try to combine these with practice. Finally, I will learn to adjust and become more positive and helpful, which is what I will do in the new semester.



万能作文模板2:新学期计划 100

During the new semester's new plan to play "Relaxation" during the holiday, sometimes can not adapt to the intense study and work after school, fear of going to school, weariness of learning, so that learning efficiency is low, there is no enthusiasm for learning. After collecting, adjust your psychology to the best learning state as soon as possible. You should pay attention to rest and keep enough sleep to get rid of the accumulated holiday In addition, it is suggested to carry out preview work to improve the efficiency of attendance.

Students should understand that if they want to enter the new semester after the holiday, they must adjust their mentality and correct social activities in time. In order to avoid distracting attention in class, they should concentrate on listening.





The new semester has begun and it’s time to make a plan for ourselves. Here's my plan for the new semester

1. Set goals I will set clear and achievable goals for each subject and make a study schedule to ensure I can achieve them.

2. Study efficiently To study efficiently I will focus on understanding the content rather than just memorizing it. I will also take good notes during class and review them regularly.

3. Partite in extracurricular activities I will partite in more extracurricular activities such as joining the school club or partiting in sports. This will help me develop not only academically but also socially.

4. Read more books Reading books is a great way to improve my knowledge and English skills. I will try to read more books in my spare time especially in English.

5. Learn a new skill I will learn a new skill this semester such as playing a musical instrument or learning a new language. This will help me broaden my horizons and develop new interests.

With these plans I believe I can make the most of this semester and achieve my goals.



1. 设立目标我会为每一门科目设定明确且可实现的目标并制定学习计划以确保实现这些目标

2. 高效学习我会注重理解课程内容而不仅仅是背诵我也会在上课时做好笔记并定期复习

3. 参加课外活动我会参加更多的课外活动例如加入学校俱乐部或参加体育活动这不仅可以帮助我在学术上取得进步也可以在社交方面得到锻炼

4. 多读书阅读书籍是提高知识和英语技能的好方法我会尝试在闲暇时间读更多的书尤其是英语书籍

5. 学习新技能我会在本学期学习一项新技能比如学习一种乐器或者一门新语言这可以帮助我开阔视野培养新的兴趣


标签: 高二 真题

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