Betula pendula是什么意思 Betula pendula的读音、翻译、用法

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'Betula pendula'是拉丁语,意为欧洲白桦。它是一种常见的落叶乔木,生长在欧洲和亚洲部分地区,具有优美的树形和白色的树皮。它的英文常见翻译是silver birch。它常用于园林和景观设计,也可以作为种植和制作木材。

以下是使用Betula pendula的9个例句:

1. Betula pendula is a popular tree species planted in parks and gardens.(Betula pendula是一种常见的园林树种。)

2. The slender branches of Betula pendula sway gently in the wind.(Betula pendula的纤细树枝在风中轻轻摇曳。)

3. The white bark of Betula pendula peels off in paper-like layers.(Betula pendula的白色树皮剥落成纸片状。)

4. Betula pendula is known for its rapid growth and adaptability to various soil types.(Betula pendula以其快速生长和适应各种土壤类型而闻名。)

5. The leaves of Betula pendula turn golden yellow in autumn.(Betula pendula的叶子在秋季变成金。)

6. Betula pendula prefers moist and well-drained soil.(Betula pendula喜欢潮湿而排水良好的土壤。)

7. The wood of Betula pendula is commonly used for furniture and plywood.(Betula pendula的木材常用于制作家具和胶合板。)

8. Betula pendula can tolerate mild to moderate drought conditions.(Betula pendula可以耐受轻度到中度的干旱条件。)

9. The delicate leaves and branches of Betula pendula make it a popular choice for bonsai enthusiasts.(Betula pendula的细腻叶子和树枝使其成为盆景爱好者的热门选择。)


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