presage是什么意思 presage的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The dark clouds presaged a storm.(漆黑的云层预示着暴风雨。)

2. The sudden drop in sales presaged trouble for the company.(销售额的突然下降预示着公司可能会遇到困难。)

3. The flowers in the garden presaged the arrival of spring.(花园里的花预示着春天的到来。)

4. The strange silence in the house presaged something ominous.(房子里的奇怪寂静预示着不祥之事。)

5. The political unrest in the country presages a possible revolution.(国内的动荡预示着可能爆发。)

6. The bright sunshine and clear sky presaged a pleasant day ahead.(明亮的阳光和晴朗的天空预示着美好的一天即将到来。)

7. The decline in profits presages an economic recession.(利润的下降预示着经济衰退。)

8. The howling wind presaged a severe winter.(咆哮的风声预示着严冬的到来。)

9. The change in her behavior presaged a major life decision.(她行为的改变预示着她将做出重大的生活决定。)


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