Heterobranchus是什么意思 Heterobranchus的读音、翻译、用法

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用法: 'Heterobranchus'通常被用作学名,用于科学界对这种鱼类的命名和分类。


1. Heterobranchus longifilis 是一种在非洲热带河流中常见的鲶鱼。(中文翻译:Heterobranchus longifilis is a common catfish found in tropical rivers in Africa.)

2. 由于过度捕捞,Heterobranchus长期以来一直面临着物种灭绝的危险。(中文翻译:Due to overfishing, Heterobranchus has long been endangered.)

3. 这条Heterobranchus的体长约为1米。(中文翻译:This Heterobranchus measured about one meter in length.)

4. Heterobranchus长有一副锋利的牙齿,可以轻松咬断小型鱼类。(中文翻译:Heterobranchus has sharp teeth that can easily bite through small fish.)

5. Heterobranchus的肉质鲜美,是食用鱼类中的一种。(中文翻译:Heterobranchus has delicious flesh and is a popular edible fish.)

6. 作为一种淡水鱼类,Heterobranchus对水质要求较高。(中文翻译:As a freshwater fish, Heterobranchus has a high requirement for water quality.)

7. Heterobranchus通常居住在深水中,但在繁殖季节时会游到浅水区。(中文翻译:Heterobranchus usually lives in deep water, but will swim to shallow water during breeding season.)

8. Heterobranchus与其他鲶鱼相比,有着更加独特的生存策略。(中文翻译:Compared to other catfish, Heterobranchus has a more unique survival strategy.)

9. 生态环境的是导致Heterobranchus数量下降的主要原因之一。(中文翻译:Environmental destruction is one of the main reasons for the decline in Heterobranchus population.)


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