Orion是什么意思 Orion的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Orion is the most awe-inspiring constellation in the winter sky.(猎户座是冬季天空中最令人敬畏的星座。)

2. The Orion Nebula is a giant cloud of gas and dust where new stars are formed.(猎户座星云是一个巨大的气体和尘埃云,新星在这里形成。)

3. Orion’s Belt is a distinctive feature of the constellation.(猎户座腰带是这个星座的一个独特特征。)

4. In mythology, Orion was a giant hunter who was killed by Artemis.(在神话中,猎户座是一个巨人猎人,被阿尔忒弥斯杀死了。)

5. Orion is visible in the night sky from November to February.(猎户座从xx月到xx月在夜空中可见。)

6. The three stars in Orion’s Belt are named Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.(猎户座腰带中的三颗星为Alnitak、Alnilam和Mintaka。)

7. Orion’s sword contains the Orion Nebula and other interesting objects.(猎户座的剑包括猎户座星云和其他有趣的物体。)

8. The brightest star in Orion is called Rigel.(猎户座中最亮的星叫做里格尔。)

9. Orion was named after a legendary Greek hunter.(猎户座以希腊传说中的一个猎人为名。)


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