Strelitziaceae是什么意思 Strelitziaceae的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Strelitziaceae科植物的花朵非常华丽,色彩鲜艳,是热带地区一道独特的风景线。

The flowers of Strelitziaceae plants are very beautiful and brightly colored, forming a unique sight in tropical areas.

2. 热带非洲貂蝉科植物分布广泛,包括许多被人们喜欢的观赏植物,比如鸟巢花和巴掌树。

Strelitziaceae plants are widely distributed in tropical Africa, including many popular ornamental plants such as bird-of-paradise flowers and traveler's palms.

3. 贝加尔湖南岸有一个植物园,里面有许多来自世界各地的植物,包括几种热带非洲貂蝉科植物。

There is a botanical garden on the south s of Lake Baikal, which houses many plants from around the world, including several species of Strelitziaceae.

4. 由于一些原因,Strelitziaceae植物在野外的数量正在逐渐减少,需要更多的人们加强保护。

Due to various reasons, the number of Strelitziaceae plants in the wild is gradually decreasing, so more people need to strengthen their protection.

5. 热带非洲貂蝉科植物在人们的日常生活中也有许多用途,比如提取香水和用于草药治疗。

Strelitziaceae plants also have many uses in people's daily lives, such as extracting perfume and using them for herbal medicine.

6. Strelitziaceae植物的叶片较大,常常被人们用来制作提包和其他手工艺品。

The large leaves of Strelitziaceae plants are often used to make handbags and other handicrafts.

7. 在植物学家中,Strelitziaceae被广泛认为是一种非常重要的植物科。

Among botanists, Strelitziaceae is widely regarded as a very important family of plants.

8. Strelitziaceae植物的花朵是它们最引人注目的特征之一,形状奇特,类似鸟类的翅膀,并且色彩鲜艳。

The flowers of Strelitziaceae plants are one of their most striking features, with a unique shape resembling bird wings and bright colors.

9. Strelitziaceae植物的在营养学上是一种非常有价值的食品,含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪。

The seeds of Strelitziaceae plants are a highly nutritious food, containing rich protein and fat.


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