appoint是什么意思 appoint的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The CEO appointed a new marketing manager.(CEO任命了一位新的市场经理。)

2. We have appointed a meeting with the client next week.(我们已经约定下周与客户会面。)

3. The judge appointed a hearing for the following week.(法官定下了下周的听证会。)

4. The coach appointed the team captain for the upcoming season.(教练任命了下个赛季的队长。)

5. I need to appoint someone to take care of my cat while I'm away.(我需要指定一个人在我离开期间照顾我的猫。)

6. The president appointed a committee to investigate the scandal.(总统任命了一个委员会调查这桩丑闻。)

7. The teacher appointed a project for the students to work on.(老师指定了一个项目供学生们完成。)

8. The CEO appointed a new policy regarding vacation time.(CEO制定了一项新的假期政策。)

9. The government appointed a task force to deal with the natural disaster.(指派了一个工作组处理这次自然灾害。)


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