Martial industrial是什么意思 Martial industrial的读音、翻译、用法

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'Martial industrial'这个词语源于英语,它通常被翻译为“武装工业”,是指一种音乐风格,融合了军事元素和工业音乐。

以下是9个含有'martial industrial'的例句:

1. The band's music is a fusion of industrial and martial elements.(这个乐队的音乐融合了工业和军事元素。)

2. The concert was a blend of martial industrial and experimental music.(这场音乐会是军事工业音乐和实验音乐的融合。)

3. Martial industrial music often features military percussion and spoken word samples.(军事工业音乐经常采用打击乐和朗诵样本。)

4. The lyrics of martial industrial music often focus on themes of war, nationalism and sacrifice.(军事工业音乐的歌词经常聚焦于战争、民族主义和牺牲主题。)

5. The band's use of martial imagery in their al art is striking.(这个乐队在专辑封面上使用的军事意象令人印象深刻。)

6. The martial industrial scene has a dedicated following among certain subcultures.(在某些亚文化圈中,军事工业音乐场景拥有一批忠实的粉丝。)

7. Martial industrial music often incorporates themes of power and dominance.(军事工业音乐经常融入权力和支配的主题。)

8. The use of military drums in martial industrial music creates a powerful and intense atmosphere.(军事工业音乐中使用军鼓营造出强烈的氛围。)

9. The band's latest al has been described as a departure from their previous martial industrial sound.(这个乐队的最新专辑被描述为与他们先前的军事工业音乐风格有所不同。)


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