Ceratotheca sesamoides是什么意思 Ceratotheca sesamoides的读音、翻译、用法

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'Ceratotheca sesamoides'是拉丁语,意为“类芝麻状角花”。它通常被称为角萼蜈蚣草,是一种原产于南非的多年生草本植物。它长有细长的叶子和一串花朵,花朵有一个突出的角萼,颜色通常是深粉色。角萼蜈蚣草常用于园艺和景观设计,也常常被用作药用植物。

以下是9个含有'Ceratotheca sesamoides'的例句:

1. Ceratotheca sesamoides是南非的一种原生植物,具有美丽的花朵和药用价值。

(中文翻译:Ceratotheca sesamoides is a native plant of South Africa with beautiful flowers and medicinal value.)

2. 这个花园中种植了许多角萼蜈蚣草,使它显得更加充满生气。

(中文翻译:Many Ceratotheca sesamoides were planted in the garden, it more vibrant.)

3. 在南非,角萼蜈蚣草经常被用于治疗感冒和消化不良。

(中文翻译:In South Africa, Ceratotheca sesamoides is often used to treat cold and digestive problems.)

4. 角萼蜈蚣草是一种适合种植在干燥和瘠薄土壤的植物。

(中文翻译:Ceratotheca sesamoides is a plant that is suitable for planting in dry and poor soil.)

5. 这个花瓶里的角萼蜈蚣草是我在南非旅游时采摘的。

(中文翻译:The Ceratotheca sesamoides in this vase were picked by me during my trip to South Africa.)

6. 角萼蜈蚣草的花朵通常在夏季绽放,花期较长。

(中文翻译:Ceratotheca sesamoides usually blooms in summer and has a long flowering period.)

7. 在花卉展览上,这些角萼蜈蚣草吸引了许多游客的眼球。

(中文翻译:These Ceratotheca sesamoides attracted many visitors' attention at the flower exhibition.)

8. 我们已经种植了许多角萼蜈蚣草,使我们的花园更加多姿多彩。

(中文翻译:We have planted many Ceratotheca sesamoides to make our garden more colorful.)

9. 角萼蜈蚣草通常被认为是一种很容易种植和维护的植物。

(中文翻译:Ceratotheca sesamoides is often considered an easy plant to grow and maintain.)


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