post是什么意思 post的读音、翻译、用法

作者: 用户投稿 阅读:59 点赞:0



1. You should post the notice on the bulletin board.(你应该把通知张贴在公告栏上。)

2. The company will post a job vacancy tomorrow.(公司明天将发布一份招聘信息。)

3. He posts updates on social media regularly.(他经常在社交媒体上发布更新。)

4. She posted a letter to her friend in New York.(她把一封信寄给了在纽约的朋友。)

5. He was offered a high-paying post as CEO of the company.(他被任命为公司的首席执行官,获得高薪职位。)

6. The soldiers were stationed at their posts along the border.(士兵们在边境沿线的据点上驻扎。)

7. Please post your comments below the article.(请在文章下方发布你的评论。)

8. I need to post this package before the post office closes.(我需要在邮局关门前寄出这个包裹。)

9. The notice was posted in three different languages.(通知以三种不同语言发布。)


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