FH是什么意思 FH的读音、翻译、用法

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FH不是任何国家的语言,它是英语中的缩写,代表的是Family History(家族史)或者Freehand(手绘),具体取决于上下文。

1. My FH shows that my grandfather had a heart attack at age 50. (我的家族史表明我的祖父在xx岁时曾经发生过心脏病。)

2. The artist drew that picture FH. (这个艺术家是用手绘技巧画出那幅画的。)

3. FH is important for identifying genetic risks. (家族史对于识别遗传风险非常重要。)

4. She prefers to draw FH because it allows her to express herself freely. (她更喜欢用手绘来表达自己,因为这样更自由。)

5. FH can help doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions better. (家族史可以帮助医生更好地诊断和治疗疾病。)

6. He has a FH of diabetes in his family. (他的家族史中有糖尿病病例。)

7. The artist created a beautiful painting using only FH techniques. (这位艺术家仅仅运用手绘技巧创作了一幅美丽的画作。)

8. Knowing your FH can help you make informed decisions about your health. (了解自己的家族史可以帮助你做出更明智的健康决策。)

9. She learned about her FH from her parents and grandparents. (她从她的父母和祖父母那里了解到自己的家族史。)


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