yuzu是什么意思 yuzu的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 今年柚子收成丰富,我们可以享受到美味的柚子茶了。This year's yuzu harvest is plentiful, and we can enjoy delicious yuzu tea.

2. 柚子皮的香味可以增添菜肴的味道,是日本传统料理中常用的调味料。The aroma of yuzu peel can enhance the flavor of dishes, and is a commonly used seasoning in traditional Japanese cuisine.

3. 我喜欢把柚子汁加到沙拉酱里,让它更加爽口。I like to add yuzu juice to salad dressing to make it more refreshing.

4. 她用柚子皮制作了一批自制的香皂,非常受欢迎。She made a batch of homemade soap with yuzu peel, which was very popular.

5. 这个餐厅的招牌菜是柚子鸡,尝起来非常好吃。The signature dish of this restaurant is yuzu chicken, which tastes very delicious.

6. 我在市场上买了几个柚子,准备做柚子酱。I bought some yuzu at the market and planned to make yuzu jam.

7. 在日本冬天,人们会在浴缸里放入柚子皮泡澡,以祛寒驱湿。In winter in Japan, people put yuzu peel in the bathtub to take a bath for dispelling cold and dampness.

8. 柚子茶富含维生素C,可以增强免疫力。Yuzu tea is rich in vitamin C, which can enhance immunity.

9. 这家酒吧的招牌饮品是柚子果汁鸡尾酒,味道非常独特。The signature drink of this bar is yuzu juice tail, which tastes very unique.


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