cathode是什么意思 cathode的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The cathode emits electrons to the anode to form a current. (阴极释放电子到阳极形成电流。)

2. The cathode ray tube is used in televisions and computer monitors. (阴极射线管用于电视和计算机显示器。)

3. The corrosion on the cathode of the battery caused it to lose power. (电池阴极上的腐蚀导致其失去电力。)

4. When the cathode is heated, it emits more electrons. (当阴极被加热时,它释放更多的电子。)

5. The electrons attracted to the cathode create a current. (被阴极吸引的电子产生了电流。)

6. The cathode needs to be replaced due to wear and tear. (因磨损,阴极需要更换。)

7. The cathode is made of a material that has a low work function. (阴极是由具有低功函数的材料制成的。)

8. The cathode ray tube displays images by controlling the electron beam. (阴极射线管通过控制电子束显示图像。)

9. The cathode is negatively charged, while the anode is positively charged. (阴极带负电荷,而阳极带正电荷。)


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