Heteronychus是什么意思 Heteronychus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Heteronychus arator是南非农业中的一种重要害虫,可以造成作物受损。

(Heteronychus arator is an important pest in South African agriculture, causing damage to crops.)

2. 澳大利亚的'Heteronychus'物种多样性非常丰富。

('Heteronychus' species diversity is very rich in Australia.)

3. 近年来,异齿金龟科的数量在南美洲不断增加,对当地农业造成了很大危害。

(In recent years, the number of Heteronychus in South America has been increasing, causing great harm to local agriculture.)

4. 我们需要更多的科学研究来了解异齿金龟科的生态和行为习惯。

(We need more scientific research to understand the ecology and behavioral habits of Heteronychus.)

5. 非洲农民使用各种方法来控制异齿金龟科的数量,包括化学控制和生物控制。

(African farmers use various methods to control the number of Heteronychus, including chemical control and biological control.)

6. Heteronychus arator是一种主要靠昆虫控制来进行管理的害虫。

(Heteronychus arator is a pest that is mainly managed by insect control.)

7. 不同种类的异齿金龟科对作物造成不同程度的危害。

(Different species of Heteronychus cause varying degrees of damage to crops.)

8. 在南非,虫草菌被用来控制异齿金龟科的数量。

(In South Africa, entomopathogenic fungi are used to control the number of Heteronychus.)

9. Heteronychus arator可以通过它们的孵化和幼虫阶段来控制其数量。

(Heteronychus arator can be controlled by disrupting their hatching and larval stages.)


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