incompatible是什么意思 incompatible的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The new software update is incompatible with older operating systems.(新的软件更新与旧的操作系统不兼容。)

2. Their personalities were incompatible, and they couldn't get along.(他们的人格不相容,无法相处。)

3. The two chemicals are incompatible and should not be mixed.(这两种化学物质不相容,不能混合。)

4. Her work schedule was incompatible with her family life.(她的工作时间与家庭生活不相容。)

5. The two political ideologies are incompatible and cannot be reconciled.(这两种意识形态不相容,无法调和。)

6. The two programming languages are incompatible and cannot be used together.(这两种编程语言不相容,不能一起使用。)

7. Their goals were incompatible, and they had to part ways.(他们的目标不相容,不得不分道扬。)

8. The new equipment was incompatible with the existing infrastructure.(新的设备与现有基础设施不相容。)

9. Their values were incompatible, and they could not see eye to eye on many issues.(他们的价值观不相容,对许多问题看法不一。)


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