Togaviridae是什么意思 Togaviridae的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Togaviridae的病毒通过蚊子等媒介传播。

The viruses of Togaviridae are transmitted through mosquitoes and other vectors.

2. 基孔肯雅热病毒属于Togaviridae科。

The Chikungunya virus belongs to the Togaviridae family.

3. 寨卡病毒是Togaviridae科的一种病毒。

The Zika virus is a virus of the Togaviridae family.

4. 他感染了一种Togaviridae的病毒。

He was infected with a virus belonging to the Togaviridae family.

5. Togaviridae病毒可以引起多种不同的疾病。

The viruses of Togaviridae can cause a variety of different diseases.

6. Togaviridae病毒的传染性非常强。

The viruses of Togaviridae have a very high level of infectivity.

7. Togaviridae病毒需要载体才能传播。

The viruses of Togaviridae require a vector to spread.

8. 她感染了一种Togaviridae的病毒并出现了严重的症状。

She was infected with a virus of the Togaviridae family and developed severe symptoms.

9. 研究Togaviridae病毒对于预防这些疾病非常重要。

Studying the viruses of Togaviridae is crucial for preventing these diseases.


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