Thymol是什么意思 Thymol的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Thymol is the main constituent of thyme oil.(百里香酚是百里香油的主要成分。)

2. Thymol has antifungal and antibacterial properties.(百里香酚具有抗真菌和抗菌作用。)

3. Mouthwashes containing thymol can help treat bad breath.(含有百里香酚的漱口水可以帮助治疗口臭。)

4. Thyme tea is a natural source of thymol.(百里香茶是百里香酚的天然来源。)

5. Thymol is also used in the production of varnishes and paint thinners.(百里香酚还用于生产清漆和溶剂。)

6. Thymol has insecticidal properties and can be used as a natural pesticide.(百里香酚具有杀虫作用,可用作天然杀虫剂。)

7. Thymol has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its antiseptic properties.(百里香酚因其防腐性能而在传统医学中被使用了几个世纪。)

8. Thymol is a common ingredient in over-the-counter cough medicines.(百里香酚是非处方咳嗽药中常见的成分。)

9. Thymol is often added to soaps and toothpastes for its antibacterial properties.(百里香酚常被添加到肥皂和牙膏中,因其抗菌作用。)


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