Sturnus vulgaris是什么意思 Sturnus vulgaris的读音、翻译、用法

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'Sturnus vulgaris'是拉丁语,意为“普通椋鸟”。它是一种常见的鸟类,生活在欧洲、亚洲和北美洲的草地和开阔森林中。这种鸟类通常呈现出黑色的羽毛,有紫蓝色的光泽,它们有一颗小巧的头,尖尖的喙,和灵活的翅膀。

以下是9个含有'Sturnus vulgaris'的例句:

1. Sturnus vulgaris是一种很活跃的鸟类,它们常常结成大群在空中盘旋。

(中文翻译:'Sturnus vulgaris' is a very active bird species, and they often form large flocks and hover in the air.)

2. Sturnus vulgaris非常善于模仿其他鸟类的鸣叫声,这也是它们受欢迎的原因之一。

(中文翻译:'Sturnus vulgaris' is very good at imitating the calls of other birds, which is one of the reasons why they are popular.)

3. 地中海地区的Sturnus vulgaris呈现出白色的羽毛,而欧洲的则通常是黑色的。

(中文翻译:The Sturnus vulgaris in the Mediterranean region has white feathers, while those in Europe are usually black.)

4. 在英国,Sturnus vulgaris被称为“八哥鸟”,这是因为它们的鸣叫声听起来像人类说话。

(中文翻译:In the UK, Sturnus vulgaris is known as the "starling" because their calls sound like human speech.)

5. Sturnus vulgaris常常在城市公园和花园中出现,它们经常在草坪上寻找昆虫和浆果。

(中文翻译:Sturnus vulgaris is often found in parks and gardens, where they frequently search for insects and berries on the lawn.)

6. 这种鸟类的繁殖季节是每年的春季,Sturnus vulgaris通常会在树洞或建筑物的空隙中筑巢。

(中文翻译:The breeding season for this bird species is in the spring every year, and Sturnus vulgaris usually build nests in tree holes or gaps in buildings.)

7. 在芬兰,Sturnus vulgaris通常被称为“欧洲椋鸟”。

(中文翻译:In Finland, Sturnus vulgaris is often referred to as the "European starling".)

8. 在美国,Sturnus vulgaris是一种常见的入侵物种,它们会果园和农场。

(中文翻译:In the United States, Sturnus vulgaris is a common invasive species that can cause damage to orchards and farms.)

9. Sturnus vulgaris有很强的适应性,它们可以在几乎任何地方生活,包括城市和农村地区。

(中文翻译:Sturnus vulgaris has strong adaptability and can live in almost any environment, including and rural areas.)


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