Hangzhou是什么意思 Hangzhou的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 我们在杭州西湖畔漫步,欣赏美丽的夜景。

We strolled along the West Lake in Hangzhou, enjoying the beautiful night view.

2. 杭州龙井茶是中国最有名的绿茶之一。

Hangzhou Longjing tea is one of the most famous green teas in China.

3. 杭州的丝绸和宣纸在中国乃至全世界都有很高的声誉。

Hangzhou silk and Xuan paper have high reputation in China and even worldwide.

4. 灵隐寺是杭州著名的佛教圣地之一。

Lingyin Temple is one of the famous Buddhist holy sites in Hangzhou.

5. 杭州素以风景秀丽、人文荟萃而著称。

Hangzhou is known for its beautiful scenery and rich culture.

6. 杭州的古建筑和文化遗产吸引了众多游客前来探索。

Hangzhou's ancient architecture and cultural heritage attract many tourists to explore.

7. 杭州火车站是中国南方最繁忙的火车站之一。

Hangzhou Railway Station is one of the busiest railway stations in southern China.

8. 在杭州,你可以品尝到地道的浙江菜和特色小吃。

In Hangzhou, you can taste authentic Zhejiang cuisine and local snacks.

9. 杭州的钱江新城是中国著名的现代化都市区之一。

Qianjiang New City in Hangzhou is one of the famous modern areas in China.


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