Chondrilla是什么意思 Chondrilla的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Chondrilla茎叶可以食用,味道鲜美,营养丰富。

(Chondrilla stalks and leaves are edible and tasty, and they are rich in nutrients.)

2. 杏鲍菇和鲍菇可以和Chondrilla一起加入沙拉中,味道更佳。

(Adding oyster and shiitake mushrooms to the salad along with Chondrilla enhances the taste.)

3. 在意大利,Chondrilla被称为“barba di frate”,意为“修道士的胡须”。

(In Italy, Chondrilla is known as "barba di frate", which means "monk's beard".)

4. Chondrilla的植物茎叶含有丰富的维生素C,对身体非常有益。

(Chondrilla's plant stalks and leaves contain plenty of vitamin C which is very beneficial for the body.)

5. 鲑鱼沙拉配上Chondrilla,营养丰富,口感鲜美。

(Salmon salad with Chondrilla is rich in nutrients and has a delicious taste.)

6. Chondrilla可以用来清洁切口和创口,具有消毒效果。

(Chondrilla can be used to clean wounds and cuts and has disinfectant properties.)

7. 老年人可以食用Chondrilla,以预防骨质疏松症。

(The elderly can consume Chondrilla to prevent osteoporosis.)

8. Chondrilla通常被认为是一种有益的草药,可以治疗多种疾病。

(Chondrilla is often considered to be a beneficial herb that can treat a variety of ailments.)

9. 在俄罗斯,人们普遍食用Chondrilla作为沙拉配菜,味道鲜美。

(In Russia, Chondrilla is commonly consumed as a salad ingredient, and it has a delicious taste.)


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