buxus是什么意思 buxus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Buxus sempervirens is a slow-growing evergreen shrub commonly used for hedges.(Buxus sempervirens 是一种常用于树篱的缓慢生长的常绿灌木。)

2. The leaves of buxus have a distinct aroma when crushed.(当搓碎时,柏树的叶子有一种独特的香味。)

3. The wood of buxus was traditionally used to make fine woodcarvings.(柏树的木材传统上用于制作精美的木雕。)

4. Buxus is often used in formal garden design for its dense growth habit.(由于其密集的生长习惯,柏树常在正式花园设计中使用。)

5. Many cultivars of buxus have been developed for their different leaf shapes and colors.(由于其不同的叶子形状和颜色,许多柏树品种已被培育出来。)

6. Buxus is susceptible to certain pests and diseases, such as boxwood blight.(柏树容易受到某些害虫和疾病的侵害,如柏树枯萎病。)

7. Buxus can be propagated by stem cuttings or by layering.(柏树可以通过扦插或垂直分枝繁殖。)

8. Buxus is a popular choice for topiary, as it can be easily shaped and trained.(由于可以轻松地塑造和训练,柏树是修剪艺术的流行选择。)

9. Buxus has been used in traditional medicine for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.(柏树因其抗菌和抗炎特性而被用于传统医学中。)


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