Anoplosaurus是什么意思 Anoplosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Anoplosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived in the Late Jurassic period, roughly 150 million years ago.(Anoplosaurus是一种草食性恐龙,生活在约1亿5000万年前的晚侏罗纪时期。)

2. The fossils of Anoplosaurus have been found in North America and Europe.(Anoplosaurus化石主要分布在北美和欧洲。)

3. Anoplosaurus was a relatively small dinosaur, only about 5 meters long.(Anoplosaurus是一种相对较小的恐龙,只有约5米长。)

4. Anoplosaurus had a long, narrow snout and sharp teeth for grinding plant material.(Anoplosaurus有一个长而窄的嘴巴,用于咀嚼植物材料的锋利牙齿。)

5. Anoplosaurus was not an armored dinosaur, despite its name.(Anoplosaurus不是一种装甲恐龙,尽管它的名字是“未武装的蜥蜴”。)

6. Anoplosaurus is classified as a stegosaur, along with other dinosaurs like Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus.(Anoplosaurus被归类为剑龙类恐龙,与剑龙和刺龙等恐龙一起。)

7. Anoplosaurus lived during the same time period as other famous dinosaurs like Allosaurus and Diplodocus.(Anoplosaurus与其他著名的恐龙,如异特龙和梁龙,生活在同一时期。)

8. Anoplosaurus had a row of bony plates along its back, which may have provided some protection from predators.(Anoplosaurus背部有一排骨质板,这可能为其提供了一些保护,以防止被天敌攻击。)

9. Anoplosaurus is one of many fascinating dinosaurs that roamed the Earth millions of years ago.(Anoplosaurus是在数百万年前漫游地球的众多迷人恐龙之一。)


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