celluloid是什么意思 celluloid的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The first commercially successful celluloid film was made in 1889.(第一部商业成功的塑胶薄膜电影是在xx年制作完成的)

2. Celluloid has been largely replaced by digital technology in the film industry.(塑胶薄膜在电影业中已被数字技术大量取代)

3. The celluloid sheets were cut into strips and spliced together to create the final film.(将塑胶薄膜剪成条状,然后拼接在一起,形成最终的电影胶片)

4. The photo al was filled with celluloid prints from the early 1900s.(这个相册里装满了早期xx年代的塑胶印刷品)

5. The director was known for his innovative use of celluloid in his films.(这位导演以其在电影中创新运用塑胶薄膜而闻名)

6. The celluloid strip got caught in the projector and the film was ruined.(塑胶胶片卡在放映机里,导致电影被毁)

7. The actress had a celluloid smile that never quite reached her eyes.(这位女演员的微笑看起来不太真诚)

8. Celluloid has revolutionized the way we capture and preserve images.(塑胶薄膜彻底改变了我们捕捉和保存图像的方式)

9. The film festival will showcase a collection of rare celluloid prints from the early days of cinema.(电影节将展示一系列珍贵的早期电影塑胶打印品)


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