quorum是什么意思 quorum的读音、翻译、用法

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'quorum' 是英语单词,翻译为“法定人数”。这个词通常用于议会或会议中,在进行决策之前必须有足够数量的成员出席。

以下是含有 'quorum' 的9个例句:

1. The meeting cannot start until we have a quorum. (会议只有在有足够的人数出席时才能开始。)

2. We need to establish what the quorum for this committee is. (我们需要确定这个委员会的法定人数是多少。)

3. The quorum for the board of directors is set at five members. (董事会的法定人数规定为五名成员。)

4. Without a quorum, the vote is invalid. (没有法定人数,投票就无效。)

5. We cannot make any decisions without a quorum present. (没有法定人数在场,我们不能做出任何决定。)

6. I'm , we don't have a quorum yet. (很抱歉,我们还没有达到法定人数。)

7. The meeting was postponed due to lack of quorum. (由于缺乏法定人数,会议被推迟了。)

8. The quorum was barely met with only one member to spare. (法定人数仅仅只有一名成员的余地了。)

9. They had to adjourn the meeting because the quorum was lost. (由于法定人数缺失,他们必须中止会议。)


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