vitriol是什么意思 vitriol的读音、翻译、用法

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1. His vitriol towards his opponent was startling.(他对对手的尖锐批评让人感到震惊。)

2. The vitriol in his comments was unnecessary and hurtful.(他评论中的激烈语气毫无必要且造成了伤害。)

3. The vitriol in her voice was utakable.(她声音中的尖刻语气很显然。)

4. The article was full of vitriol towards the government's policies.(这篇文章充满了对政策的尖锐批评。)

5. The online debate was filled with vitriol and personal attacks.(网络辩论充满了恶意攻击和人身攻击。)

6. His vitriolic outburst was completely uncalled for.(他恶言相向完全没有必要。)

7. The politician's vitriolic speech was met with boos and jeers.(家的尖锐演讲遭到了嘘声和责骂。)

8. She responded to his vitriol with calmness and reason.(她对他的尖刻言辞作出了冷静、理性的回应。)

9. The vitriol in the comments section was so intense that the website had to shut down the discussion.(评论区中强烈的攻击性言论导致网站不得不关闭讨论。)


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