Octopus vulgaris是什么意思 Octopus vulgaris的读音、翻译、用法

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'Octopus vulgaris'是拉丁语,意为“普通章鱼”。

'Octopus vulgaris'是一种头足类动物,生活在地中海、大西洋等地的海洋中。它具有8只触臂,能够释放墨汁来跟捕食者逃脱。凭借其智力,它也是一种非常聪明的动物,能够解决一些问题和执行简单的任务。

以下是9个含有'Octopus vulgaris'的例句:

1. The 'Octopus vulgaris' is a common sight in the Mediterranean Sea.('Octopus vulgaris'在地中海是常见的生物。)

2. Scientists have discovered that 'Octopus vulgaris' is capable of solving puzzles.(科学家们发现'Octopus vulgaris'能够解决谜题。)

3. The 'Octopus vulgaris' is considered a delicacy in many Mediterranean countries.(在许多地中海国家,'Octopus vulgaris'被视为美食。)

4. There are many different species of octopus, but the 'Octopus vulgaris' is the most common.(有许多不同种类的章鱼,但'Octopus vulgaris'是最常见的。)

5. The 'Octopus vulgaris' is known for its ability to camouflage itself in its surroundings.('Octopus vulgaris'以其能够在周围环境中进行伪装而闻名。)

6. Despite their intelligence, 'Octopus vulgaris' have a relatively short lifespan.(尽管智力出众,'Octopus vulgaris'的寿命相对较短。)

7. The ancient Greeks believed that 'Octopus vulgaris' was a symbol of wisdom.(古希腊人认为'Octopus vulgaris'是智慧的象征。)

8. 'Octopus vulgaris' is often hunted for food, which has led to a decline in populations in some areas.('Octopus vulgaris'经常被捕食,这导致了一些地区种群的减少。)

9. 'Octopus vulgaris' is an important part of many marine ecosystems.('Octopus vulgaris'是许多海洋生态系统的重要组成部分。)


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