Pinus contorta是什么意思 Pinus contorta的读音、翻译、用法

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'Pinus contorta'是一种北美洲的松树,其拉丁学名来源于拉丁语中的“contortus”,意为“扭曲的”,指其树干和枝条呈现出的扭曲形态。在中文中常被称为“扭曲松”。

以下是9个含有'Pinus contorta'的例句:

1. The Pinus contorta forests cover vast areas in northern America. (Pinus contorta森林覆盖了北美洲广阔的区域。)

2. Pinus contorta can survive in a variety of soils and climates. (扭曲松能在各种土壤和气候条件下生存。)

3. The lumber industry relies heavily on the abundant Pinus contorta resources. (木材工业在丰富的扭曲松资源上有很大的依赖。)

4. Many animals, including birds and squirrels, make their homes in Pinus contorta trees. (许多动物,包括鸟类和松鼠,会在扭曲松树上建造它们的家。)

5. Pinus contorta is known for its drought tolerance and fire resistance. (扭曲松以其耐旱和耐火的特性而闻名。)

6. The bark of Pinus contorta can be used for medicinal purposes. (扭曲松的树皮可用于药用。)

7. Pinus contorta is a popular choice for landscaping due to its unique shape and texture. (扭曲松由于其独特的形状和质地,是园林设计中的常用选择。)

8. The cones of Pinus contorta are an important food source for wildlife in the forest. (扭曲松的松球是森林中野生动物的重要食物来源。)

9. Pinus contorta is a crucial component of many ecosystems in northern America. (扭曲松是北美洲许多生态系统的关键组成部分。)


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