octave是什么意思 octave的读音、翻译、用法

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1. I used Octave to plot the graph of a sine wave.(我用Octave绘制正弦波的图形。)

2. Octave is a powerful numerical computing software.(Octave是一种强大的数值计算软件。)

3. The function in Octave can be used to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix.(Octave中的函数可以用于计算矩阵的特征值。)

4. Octave is a useful tool for studying linear algebra.(Octave是研究线性代数的有用工具。)

5. By using Octave, I was able to yze the data and calculate the mean and standard deviation.(通过使用Octave,我能够分析数据并计算平均值和标准差。)

6. Octave can be downloaded for free on the internet.(可以在互联网上免费下载Octave。)

7. With Octave, you can perform numerical computations and data ysis.(使用Octave,您可以进行数值计算和数据分析。)

8. Octave has a simple syntax and is easy to learn.(Octave有一个简单的语法,易于学习。)

9. Implementing a neural network in Octave is very easy.(在Octave中实现神经网络非常容易。)


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